A Brief History of Debtors Prisons - OppLoans A Brief History of Debtors Prisons Opploans Blog A Brief History of Debtors Prisons Andrew Tavin, Content Manager Updated on: January 3, 2020 A Brief History of Debtors PrisonsDoes a jail for not paying your obligations sound like something from a nightmarish future? Wrong! Its a genuine article from our nightmarish past!You realize what might be truly failed? A jail for individuals who couldn't pay their obligations. It simply doesn't appear to be reasonable, isn't that right? Beneficial thing we simply made it up!Except we didn't! Borrowers' jails were genuine foundations, and many would contend they've never truly left. It's as fascinating as it is discouraging. That is the reason we aggregated a short history of account holders' jails, which we're currently introducing to you.But first, something overall quite adorable before we get into the killjoy stuff. Look at this corgi!OK, got your fill? How about we head back to the Middle Ages.Debtors prisons: Origins.

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